Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report is due on March 15th for LLCs. It is rather a complicated undertaking, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you. We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Most entities in Alaska must file their Biennial Report starting two years after the initial filing, due on January 2nd of every other year. The initial filing is due within 6 months of the formation (or registration) date.
The late penalty is $37.50, and administrative dissolution is possible if report is not filed.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reports due for LLCs in Arizona
Entities in Arkansas must submit Annual Reports and pay Franchise Tax every year, due on May 1st except in 2021, when the due date is July 15th. The penalties include additional fees, penalties and interest, or even revocation of the authorization to do business. Franchise taxes continue to accrue, even for revoked businesses, until the business is dissolved, withdrawn, or merged.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the Company is in Good Standing.
All Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in California are required to file an initial Statement of Information within 90 days of registering, and every two years thereafter. If there is no change in reported information, you can submit a Statement of No Change (Form LLC-12NC) for subsequent Statements. Subsequent Statements are due no later than the last day of the month of formation or registration.
This is NOT the Annual Franchise Fee / Annual Tax. If you need to file this, please select "California (Annual Tax)".
Pricing assumes the LLC is in Good Standing and the previous Statement of Information was timely filed (unless filing the initial Statement of Information).
All Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in California are required to pay the annual tax on the 15th day of the 4th month after registering, and every April 15th (assuming tax year is the calendar year) thereafter, using FTB 3522. Note that this annual tax is due, even if you just formed your company, and this annual tax is in addition to the Estimated LLC Fee you must submit and pay by the June 15th (FT 3536), and the LLC Return of Income (Form 568). While L4SB can help you with the annual tax, L4SB cannot help you with other tax issues -- you should consult with a tax professional.
Pricing assumes (1) the LLC is in Good Standing, (2) no previous annual taxes are due, (3) the total California income is less than $250,000; and include the 2.3% convenience fee charged by the State of California.
The Periodic Report for Colorado is $10, due annually the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Period Report is due the following year in July. Note that you can file the Period Report up to two months prior to your filing month, and you can file up to two months later (although you will have to pay a late fee).
The Annual Report for Connecticut is $80, and due at the end of March each year (no matter when formed).
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in good standing.
The annual Franchise Tax for Delaware is $300, due on June 1st, assuming taxes are not paid late and the LLC is in good standing.
In DC, all entities must submit a Biennial Report every two years after the company's initial report on April 1st. The initial report is due the year following the year of registration, no later than April 1st.
The penalty for not filing on time is $100, plus the entity will be administratively dissolved if not filed by September 1st in the year due.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Annual Report for Florida is due May 1st, except in 2020 when the State of Florida extended the deadline to June 30th, 2020.
The Annual Registration for Georgia is due no later than April 1st. If you don't file when due, there is a $25 late fee and you risk administrative dissolution if not filed.
The Annual Report for all business entities is due each year to the Secretary of State in Hawaii, during the quarter that contains the registration anniversary date. Ex: registered on February 14th, then you must file your annual report between January 1 and March 31 the following year. The due dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
The Annual Registration for Illinois is due BEFORE the first date of the filing month of the LLC. If you don't file when due, there is a $100.00 late fee, and entity will become administratively dissolved or revoked if the Annual Report is not submitted within 180 days after it's due.
Note that we will need to create a Power of Attorney, have it executed by you, and deliver it to the State of Illinois along with the Annual Registration. Price includes $50 for our work associated with the Power of Attorney.
All entity types in Indiana must submit Business Entity Reports that are due every other year at the end of the month of the entity’s formation.
We assume (1) the Business Entity Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Biennial Report for all LLC's (foreign and domestic) in Iowa are due by April 1st on odd numbered years, biennially after formed (never due on the year of formation). Ex: Filed on 5/6/2019 or 2/14/2020, due date is 4/1/2021, and then again in two years by 4/1/2023.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, and (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more).
All entities (except LLLP's) in Kansas must submit Biennial Information Reports. The Biennial Information Report is due every 2 years on the 15th day of the fourth month following the tax closing month.
We assume (1) the Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more), and (5) the fiscal year closes on December 31st.
All entities in Kentucky must submit annual reports that are due by June 30th the following business year after initial registration. The fees for veteran owned businesses are waived for the first four (4) years after registration. The penalty for being late is $100 if not submitted before September 30th, and administrative dissolution 60 days after that.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing and (4) you are not a veteran within the first four (4) years of registration (if you are, let us know and we'll discount the fee for you).
The Annual Registration for Louisiana is due on or up to 4-weeks PRIOR the anniversary date of your company's registration or filing. If you don't file when due, your company could become administratively dissolved or revoked.
All entities (except LLLP's) in Maine must submit annual reports that are due by June 1st the following business year after initial registration.
The penalty for not registering starts at $50 and goes to $150 after sixty (60) days, and entity falls into 'not good standing' status. Can be subject to an administrative dissolution.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Every limited liability company must file an annual report with the Corporations Division on or before the anniversary date of the filing of its original certificate of organization. The report shall contain all of the information included in its certificate of organization and any other matters the authorized person determines to include.
The penalty for not filing is a $25 late fee, and dissolution or administratively closing the company after a period of time in not filing the Annual Report.
Our pricing assumes (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
All Limited Liability Companies (and Foreign LLCs) must file their Annual Statement/Annual Report no later than February 15th of each year, except for new LLC's formed (or registered) after the proceeding September 30th. Penalty for not filing on time is the LLC shall be no longer be in good standing if report is two years late. We assume the LLC is in Good Standing and the Annual List of Managers or Managing Members and Business License is being filed on time.
Most entities in Minnesota must submit an Annual Report (also called Annual Renewal) that is due annually no later than December 31st the following business year after initial registration.
Penalty for not filing (or filing late) is dissolution or revocation on January 1 the following year if report wasn't submitted. A $100 reinstatement fee needs to be filed to get back in good standing, and delinquent annual reports are increased in price to $15.
We assume (1) the Annual Report (or Annual Renewal) is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Most entities in Mississippi (except non-profits and some partnerships) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration. NAICS code is requires to submit Annual Report.
There are no late fees for not submitting or filing late, but the entity can be administratively dissolved or revoked after 4 months of a late Annual Report.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reports due for LLCs in Missouri
Most entities in Montana must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration.
There is a $15 penalty, and for domestic entities, dissolution by December 1st if you don't file your Annual Report before September 1st.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
In Nebraska, LLC's (foreign and domestic) and Professional LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit a Biennial Report no later than April 1st every odd-numbered year after initial registration.
The penalty for not filing is not financial, but administrative dissolution (or revocation) when 2 months late or more.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
All Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in Nevada are required to file an Annual List of Managers or Managing Members ($150) on or before the last day of the month in which the anniversary date of its organization occurs, as well as renew their business license ($200). Our fees assume the LLC is in Good Standing and the Annual List of Managers or Managing Members and Business License is being filed on time.
In New Hampshire, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 1st after initial registration. The fee is $100 plus a $2 online processing fee.
There is a $50 penalty for not filing, and the company may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) due to non-payment.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reports due for LLCs in New Mexico
All business entities in New Jersey must file an Annual Report BEFORE the last day of the anniversary month of the company. The 'anniversary month' is the month the company was originally formed or registered. Note the Annual Report is NOT the same thing as the LLC Partner Tax in New Jersey. The LLC Partner Tax must be filed separately.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
The entity may be dissolved or revoked if the Annual Report is not filed for two subsequent years in a row.
All business entities are required to submit a Biennial Statement every other year. The Biennial Statement is due the same calendar month as when your business entity was originally filed.
We assume the Biennial Statement is not late and the business entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty if not filed on time, is the loss of 'good standing' for the company, and the company will be publicly marked 'delinquent'. Over time, the company could become administratively dissolved.
The annual report for LLCs is due on April 15th of each year after the year of creation.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the LLC may be administratively dissolved.
The annual report for LLCs in North Dakota is due on November 15th of each year after the year of creation.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
There is a $50 penalty if the Annual Report is not delivered within 6 months of the due date, and after that the LLC may be administratively dissolved.
Business entities in Ohio are not required to file an annual report, except for Professional Associations (PA's) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP's).
In Oklahoma, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company loses its "good standing'' after a 60-day grade period, and can become administratively dissolved after that.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
In Oregon, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company becomes 'inactive' after due date and can be dissolved or revoked after 45 days of nonpayment beyond the due date.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Pennsylvania doesn't have annual reports, it has Decennial Reports which are due at the end of the year every ten years from your filing date, provided you have submitted no other filings (i.e. amendments to Articles, change of registered agent, etc). Professional LLC's (PLLCs) and Foreign LLC's performing professional services in Pennsylvania must file annual reports at the cost of $560 per Member.
We assume (1) you are not a PLLC or a Foreign LLC performing professional services in the State of Pennsylvania, (2) the Decennial Report is not late, and (3) the Company is in Good Standing.
For LLCs, Annual Reports are required to be filed in Rhode Island no later than March 1st.
We assume the Annual Report is not late, and the LLC is in Good Standing.
There is a $50 penalty for filing the Annual Report late, and you risk administrative dissolution.
In South Carolina, only entities operating through a federal S election are required to pay an annual tax. Business owners have to fill out an income tax return form and submit it with a copy of their federal return, to begin the process of having their total annual tax calculated, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you.
We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Annual Reports in South Dakota are due no later than the 1st day of anniversary month after the first year of the company's formation.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is $50, plus potential administrative dissolution.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
The annual report is due no later than the 1st day of the 4th month after the end of your LLC’s fiscal year (this will be April 1st, if your LLC's fiscal year ends on December 31st). There is a 2.29% convenience fee paying with credit card, which is included in our fee. If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the LLC will be administratively dissolved. We assume the (i) LLC has 6 or fewer Members (i.e. owners), (ii) Annual Report is not late, (iii) the LLC is in Good Standing, and (iv) the fiscal year of the LLC is the calendar year.
Most business entities are required to submit a Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report (Form 05-102) no later than May 15th of each year, plus one additional filing, depending on its revenues. If the business entity is generating annualized total revenue above a certain threshold ($1.18M for the 2020 Franchise Tax Report), franchise tax will be due and Form 05-158 Franchise Tax Report is required to be filed. Otherwise, business entities MUST FILE a No Tax Due Report (Form 05-163) even if the business entity has NO REVENUE. These reports are fairly technical in nature, and you are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consult with your accountant or CPA.
This price assumes you have proper financials, can answer our questions quickly and accurately, and we are only submitting Forms 05-102 (the Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report) and 05-163 (the No Tax Due Report).
All business entities in Utah must submit an Annual Report / Business Renewal each year, which is due at the end of the entity's anniversary month following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report / Business Renewal is not late and the entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for late filing is $10 after two weeks beyond the initial deadline, and administrative dissolution if the Annual Report is not filed within 90 days of being due.
In Vermont, LLC's must submit an Annual Report three months after the end of their fiscal year (i.e. if fiscal year ends on 12/31, the Annual Report is due 3/31).
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) the entity is in Good Standing, and (3) the LLC's fiscal year ends on 12/31.
The penalty for late filing is $25, and administrative dissolution.
There are no annual reports due for LLCs in Virginia, but there is an Annual Registration Fee due on or before the last day of the month in which the LLC was formed or registered to transact business in Virginia. When the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the Annual Registration Fee needs to be received by Virginia on or before the last business day of that month.
If the Annual Registration Fees are not paid when due, the penalty is $50 plus the standing will change to 'not in good standing'. If not filed within four (4) months of when due, the company will be administratively dissolved or its registration revoked (if a Foreign LLC).
We assume the Annual Registration Fee is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
Companies (Corporations and LLCs) (and Foreign Companies) must submit an initial report within 120 days of forming, and an Annual Report every year thereafter. The Annual Report is due on or before the last day of the month in which the Company was organized or registered in Washington.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
Please note that we do need to disclose beneficial owners in the Annual Reports to the State of Washington.
Most business entities in West Virginia must submit an Annual Report by June 30th starting the year following the entity's initial filing year.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is a $100 fee, and the entity may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) if delinquency persists.
All business entities (except partnership-related entities) are required to submit an Annual Report each year. The Annual Report is due by the end of the entity's anniversary quarter following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the business entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not filing the Annual Report when due is administrative dissolution. If dissolved, the entity must pay a reinstatement fee of $100 plus 50% penalty based on calculations in annual report(s).
The Annual Report for Wyoming is due annually the first (1st) day of the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Annual Report is due on July 1st the following year.
If this form doesn't have your state listed, or the fees are incorrect, you can put "Other State" and we will work with you to figure out the proper filings.
Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report is due on April 15th for Corporations whose fiscal year is not June 15th. It is rather a complicated undertaking, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you. We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Most entities in Alaska must file their Biennial Report starting two years after the initial filing, due on January 2nd of every other year. The initial filing is due within 6 months of the formation (or registration) date.
The late penalty is $37.50, and administrative dissolution is possible if report is not filed.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Corporations in Arizona must submit Annual Reports every year, due on the anniversary date of your Corporation's registration or filing. The fee assumes (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the Corporation is in Good Standing.
Entities in Arkansas must submit Annual Reports and pay Franchise Tax every year, due on May 1st except in 2021, when the due date is July 15th. The penalties include additional fees, penalties and interest, or even revocation of the authorization to do business. Franchise taxes continue to accrue, even for revoked businesses, until the business is dissolved, withdrawn, or merged.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the Company is in Good Standing, and (4) the Corporation has shares and your Corporation meets the minimum tax due requirements.
All Corporations formed or registered in California are required to file an initial Statement of Information within 90 days of registering, and every year thereafter. If there is no change in reported information, you can submit a Statement of No Change (Form SI-550 NC). Statements are due no later than the last day of the month of formation or registration.
Pricing assumes the Corporation is active (not suspended/forfeited) and the previous Statement of Information was timely filed (unless filing the initial Statement of Information).
The Periodic Report for Colorado is $10, due annually the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Period Report is due the following year in July. Note that you can file the Period Report up to two months prior to your filing month, and you can file up to two months later (although you will have to pay a late fee).
All Corporations are required to submit an Initial Report within 30 days of formation or registration, and an Annual Report each year to the Secretary of State due each year on the anniversary date your business entity was originally filed. If you don't file on time, your entity may become administratively dissolved.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) the business entity is in Good Standing, and (3) the Corporation is not a non-stock Corporation.
Foreign Corporations have the same issues, but cost more ($435) in the State of Connecticut.
Corporations must submit annual reports and franchise taxes before March 1st. The minimum amount due is $225, assuming (1) the Corporation has 5,000 authorized shares or less, (2) the Authorized Shares Method will yield less tax than the Assumed Par Value Capital Method, and (3) the Annual Report and taxes are not late and the Corporation is in Good Standing. If any of these assumptions are incorrect, you will owe more in taxes. Check the "Research Needed" box below if you don't know, or check the "Additional State Fees Needed" if you do know.
In DC, all entities must submit a Biennial Report every two years after the company's initial report on April 1st. The initial report is due the year following the year of registration, no later than April 1st.
The penalty for not filing on time is $100, plus the entity will be administratively dissolved if not filed by September 1st in the year due.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Annual Report for Florida is due May 1st, except in 2020 when the State of Florida extended the deadline to June 30th, 2020.
The Annual Registration for Georgia is due April 1st. If you don't file when due, there is a $25 late fee and you risk administrative dissolution if not filed.
The Annual Report for all business entities is due each year to the Secretary of State in Hawaii, during the quarter that contains the registration anniversary date. Ex: registered on February 14th, then you must file your annual report between January 1 and March 31 the following year. The due dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
The Annual Registration for Illinois is due BEFORE the first date of the filing month of the LLC. If you don't file when due, there is a penalty of 10% of the total franchise taxes due, and entity will become administratively dissolved or revoked if the Annual Report is not submitted within 180 days after it's due. Corporations have to pay a minimum of $25 Franchise Tax (and the $100 assumes the minimum for the Franchise Tax). If you owe more, we will tell you and you will need to pay the additional amount.
All entity types in Indiana must submit Business Entity Reports that are due every other year at the end of the month of the entity’s formation.
We assume (1) the Business Entity Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Biennial Report for all Corporations (foreign and domestic) in Iowa are due by April 1st on even numbered years, biennially after formed (never due on the year of formation). Ex: Filed on 5/6/2018, or 2/14/2019, due date is 4/1/2020, and then again in two years by 4/1/2022.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, and (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more).
All entities (except LLLP's) in Kansas must submit Biennial Information Reports. The Biennial Information Report is due every 2 years on the 15th day of the fourth month following the tax closing month.
We assume (1) the Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more), and (5) the fiscal year closes on December 31st.
All entities in Kentucky must submit annual reports that are due by June 30th the following business year after initial registration. The fees for veteran owned businesses are waived for the first four (4) years after registration. The penalty for being late is $100 if not submitted before September 30th, and administrative dissolution 60 days after that.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing and (4) you are not a veteran within the first four (4) years of registration (if you are, let us know and we'll discount the fee for you).
The Annual Registration for Louisiana is due on or up to 4-weeks PRIOR the anniversary date of your company's registration or filing. If you don't file when due, your company could become administratively dissolved or revoked.
All entities (except LLLP's) in Maine must submit annual reports that are due by June 1st the following business year after initial registration.
The penalty for not registering starts at $50 and goes to $150 after sixty (60) days, and entity falls into 'not good standing' status. Can be subject to an administrative dissolution.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Every corporation must file an annual report with the Corporations Division within two and one half (2 1/2) months after the close of the corporation’s fiscal year end.
The penalty for not filing is a $25 late fee, and dissolution or administratively closing the company after a period of time in not filing the Annual Report.
Our pricing assumes (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, and (4) the fiscal year ends on December 31st for your Corporation.
All Corporations (and Foreign Corporations) must file their Annual Statement/Annual Report no later than May 15th of each year, except for new LLC's formed (or registered) after the proceeding September 30th. The penalty is a $10 per month delinquency fee (up to $50), and the Corporation shall be no longer be in good standing if report is two years late. We assume the LLC is in Good Standing and the Annual List of Managers or Managing Members and Business License is being filed on time.
Most entities in Minnesota must submit an Annual Report (also called Annual Renewal) that is due annually no later than December 31st the following business year after initial registration.
Penalty for not filing (or filing late) is dissolution or revocation on January 1 the following year if report wasn't submitted. A $100 reinstatement fee needs to be filed to get back in good standing, and delinquent annual reports are increased in price to $15.
We assume (1) the Annual Report (or Annual Renewal) is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Most entities in Mississippi (except non-profits and some partnerships) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration. NAICS code is requires to submit Annual Report.
There are no late fees for not submitting or filing late, but the entity can be administratively dissolved or revoked after 4 months of a late Annual Report.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
Corporations and Foreign Corporations in Missouri must submit an Annual Report every year (or Biennial Report every other year, depending on what you elected when you formed your company). The Annual (or Biennial) Report is due on the day and month in which the corporation was incorporated or registered to transact business in Missouri, every year or every other year, depending on your election.
Our pricing assumes (1) you've elected Annual (versus Biennial) Reporting, (2) the Annual Report is not late, and (3) the Corporation is in Good Standing.
Most entities in Montana must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration.
There is a $15 penalty, and for domestic entities, dissolution by December 1st if you don't file your Annual Report before September 1st.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
In Nebraska, Corporations (foreign and domestic) and Professional Corporations (foreign and domestic) must submit a Biennial Report no later than March 1st every even-numbered year after initial registration. Price is contingent on the Nebraska property values held by the company, starting at $52, plus a $3 online processing fee.
The penalty for not filing is not financial, but administrative dissolution (or revocation) when 2 months late or more.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, and (4) the company does not own any real property in Nebraska.
All Corporations (and Foreign Corporations) formed or registered in Nevada are required to file an Annual List of Officers and Directors (Starting at $150) on or before the last day of the month in which the anniversary date of its organization occurs, as well as renew their business license ($500). Our fees assume (1) the Corporation is in Good Standing, (2) the Annual List of Officers, Directors and State Business License is being filed on time, and (3) the value of the current, total authorized stock recorded with the Nevada Secretary of State is $75,000 or less.
In New Hampshire, Corporations (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 1st after initial registration. The fee is $100 plus a $2 online processing fee.
There is a $50 penalty for not filing, and the company may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) due to non-payment.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Corporations in New Mexico must submit Biennial Reports every other year. The year you file is determined by the last number of the Corporation's New Mexico Business ID (as assigned by the New Mexico Secretary of State), and if this number is odd, you file in odd-numbered years. Visa-versa for even-numbered years. The Biennial Report and associated fee is due on the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the Corporation's taxable year. If the Corporation has a standard tax year ending on December 31st, then this date will be April 15th. The fee assumes (1) the Corporation's Tax Year is the Calendar Year (Unless we've indicated a different date than 4/15, which means we know your Corporation's proper Tax Year), (2) the Annual Report is not late, (3) fees are paid on time, and (4) the Corporation is in Good Standing.
All business entities in New Jersey must file an Annual Report BEFORE the last day of the anniversary month of the company. The 'anniversary month' is the month the company was originally formed or registered.
All business entities are required to submit a Biennial Statement every other year. The Biennial Statement is due the same calendar month as when your business entity was originally filed.
The annual report for Corporations is due to the Secretary of State’s Office the 15th day of the fourth month following the entity’s fiscal year end. To calculate this date, start with the day your fiscal year ends then add 4 months. The annual report is due on the 15th day of the 4th month.
We assume the Annual Report is not late, the Corporation is in Good Standing, and the fiscal year of the Corporation is the calendar year.
If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the Corporation may be administratively dissolved.
The Annual Report for Domestic Corporations in North Dakota is due on August 1st of each year after the year of creation.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the Corporation is in Good Standing.
An additional $20 fee applies to filings submitted by November 1st, and increases to $60 if filed later than November 1st. Administrative dissolution may occur for filings that are a year or more late.
Business entities in Ohio are not required to file an annual report, except for Professional Associations (PA's) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP's).
In Oklahoma, Corporations (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company loses its "good standing'' after a 60-day grade period, and can become administratively dissolved after that.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) the business entity is in Good Standing, (3) the capital of the Corporation is $300,000 or more, and (4) the Annual Report fee is $10. The price can be more, if these assumptions are incorrect.
In Oregon, Corporations (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company becomes 'inactive' after due date and can be dissolved or revoked after 45 days of nonpayment beyond the due date.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Pennsylvania doesn't have annual reports, it has Decennial Reports which are due at the end of the year every ten years from your filing date, provided you have submitted no other filings (i.e. amendments to Articles, change of registered agent, etc). Professional LLC's (PLLCs) and Foreign LLC's performing professional services in Pennsylvania must file annual reports at the cost of $560 per Member.
We assume (1) you are not a PLLC or a Foreign LLC performing professional services in the State of Pennsylvania, (2) the Decennial Report is not late, and (3) the Company is in Good Standing.
For Corporations, Annual Reports are required to be filed in Rhode Island no later than November 1st.
We assume the Annual Report is not late, and the Corporation is in Good Standing.
There is a $50 penalty for filing the Annual Report late, and you risk administrative dissolution.
In South Carolina, only entities operating through a federal S election are required to pay an annual tax. Business owners have to fill out an income tax return form and submit it with a copy of their federal return, to begin the process of having their total annual tax calculated, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you.
We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Annual Reports in South Dakota are due no later than the 1st day of anniversary month after the first year of the company's formation.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is $50, plus potential administrative dissolution.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
The annual report is due no later than the 1st day of the 4th month after the end of your Corporation's fiscal year (this will be April 1st, if your fiscal year ends on December 31st). There is a 2.29% convenience fee paying with credit card. If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the Corporation will be administratively dissolved. We assume the Annual Report is not late, the Corporation is in Good Standing, and the fiscal year of the Corporation is the calendar year.
Most business entities are required to submit a Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report (Form 05-102) no later than May 15th of each year, plus one additional filing, depending on its revenues. If the business entity is generating annualized total revenue above a certain threshold ($1.18M for the 2020 Franchise Tax Report), franchise tax will be due and Form 05-158 Franchise Tax Report is required to be filed. Otherwise, business entities MUST FILE a No Tax Due Report (Form 05-163) even if the business entity has NO REVENUE. These reports are fairly technical in nature, and you are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consult with your accountant or CPA.
This price assumes you have proper financials, can answer our questions quickly and accurately, and we are only submitting Forms 05-102 (the Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report) and 05-163 (the No Tax Due Report).
All business entities in Utah must submit an Annual Report / Business Renewal each year, which is due at the end of the entity's anniversary month following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report / Business Renewal is not late and the entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for late filing is $10 after two weeks beyond the initial deadline, and administrative dissolution if the Annual Report is not filed within 90 days of being due.
In Vermont, Corporations must submit an Annual Report two and a half months after the end of their fiscal year (i.e. if fiscal year ends on 12/31, the Annual Report is due 3/15).
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) the entity is in Good Standing, and (3) the Corporation's fiscal year ends on 12/31.
The penalty for late filing is $25, and administrative dissolution.
Corporations (domestic and foreign) in Virginia must submit an Annual Report every year and pay an Annual Registration Fee. Both are due on or before the last day of the month in which the Corporation was formed or registered to transact business in Virginia. When the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the Annual Report and Annual Registration Fee needs to be received by Virginia on or before the last business day of that month. The Annual Registration Fees start at $100 (for Corporations with 5,000 or less shares) and go up to $1,700 (for Corporations with more than 270,000 shares).
The penalty for filing late is (1) 10\% of the late Annual Registration Fee or $10, whichever is greater, (2) the standing will change to 'not in good standing', and (3) if not filed within four (4) months of when due, the company will be administratively dissolved or its registration revoked (if a Foreign Corporation).
We assume (1) the Annual Report and Annual Registration Fee is not late, (2) the Corporation is in Good Standing, (3) the Corporation has issued 5,000 or less stock, and (4) the Corporation is not a non-stock Corporation.
Companies (Corporations and LLCs) (and Foreign Companies) must submit an initial report within 120 days of forming, and an Annual Report every year thereafter. The Annual Report is due on or before the last day of the month in which the Company was organized or registered in Washington.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
Please note that we do need to disclose beneficial owners in the Annual Reports to the State of Washington.
Most business entities in West Virginia must submit an Annual Report by June 30th starting the year following the entity's initial filing year.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is a $100 fee, and the entity may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) if delinquency persists.
All business entities (except partnership-related entities) are required to submit an Annual Report each year. The Annual Report is due by the end of the entity's anniversary quarter following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the business entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not filing the Annual Report when due is administrative dissolution. If dissolved, the entity must pay a reinstatement fee of $100 plus 50% penalty based on calculations in annual report(s).
The Annual Report for Wyoming is due annually the first (1st) day of the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Annual Report is due on July 1st the following year.
If this form doesn't have your state listed, or the fees are incorrect, you can put "Other State" and we will work with you to figure out the proper filings.
Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report is due on March 15th for Foreign LLCs. It is rather a complicated undertaking, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you. We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Most foreign entities in Alaska must file their Biennial Report starting two years after the initial filing, due on January 2nd of every other year. The initial filing is due within 6 months of the formation (or registration) date.
The late penalty is $47.50, and administrative dissolution is possible if report is not filed.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reporting requirements (nor fees) for the State of Arizona for Foreign LLCs.
Entities in Arkansas must submit Annual Reports and pay Franchise Tax every year, due on May 1st except in 2021, when the due date is July 15th. The penalties include additional fees, penalties and interest, or even revocation of the authorization to do business. Franchise taxes continue to accrue, even for revoked businesses, until the business is dissolved, withdrawn, or merged.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the Company is in Good Standing.
All Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in California are required to file an initial Statement of Information within 90 days of registering, and every two years thereafter. If there is no change in reported information, you can submit a Statement of No Change (Form LLC-12NC) for subsequent Statements. Subsequent Statements are due no later than the last day of the month of formation or registration.
This is NOT the Annual Franchise Fee / Annual Tax. If you need to file this, please select "California (Annual Tax)".
Pricing assumes the LLC is in Good Standing and the previous Statement of Information was timely filed (unless filing the initial Statement of Information).
All Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in California are required to pay the annual tax on the 15th day of the 4th month after registering, and every April 15th (assuming tax year is the calendar year) thereafter, using FTB 3522. Note that this annual tax is due, even if you just formed your company, and this annual tax is in addition to the Estimated LLC Fee you must submit and pay by the June 15th (FT 3536), and the LLC Return of Income (Form 568). While L4SB can help you with the annual tax, L4SB cannot help you with other tax issues -- you should consult with a tax professional.
Pricing assumes (1) the LLC is in Good Standing, (2) no previous annual taxes are due, (3) the total California income is less than $250,000; and include the 2.3% convenience fee charged by the State of California.
The Periodic Report for Colorado is $10, due annually the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Period Report is due the following year in July. Note that you can file the Period Report up to two months prior to your filing month, and you can file up to two months later (although you will have to pay a late fee).
The Annual Report for Connecticut is $80, and due at the end of March each year (no matter when formed).
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in good standing.
The annual Franchise Tax for Delaware is $300, due on June 1st, assuming taxes are not paid late and the Foreign LLC is in good standing.
In DC, all entities must submit a Biennial Report every two years after the company's initial report on April 1st. The initial report is due the year following the year of registration, no later than April 1st.
The penalty for not filing on time is $100, plus the entity will be administratively dissolved if not filed by September 1st in the year due.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Annual Report for Florida is due May 1st, except in 2020 when the State of Florida extended the deadline to June 30th, 2020.
The Annual Registration for Georgia is due April 1st. If you don't file when due, there is a $25 late fee and you risk administrative dissolution if not filed.
The Annual Report for all business entities is due each year to the Secretary of State in Hawaii, during the quarter that contains the registration anniversary date. Ex: registered on February 14th, then you must file your annual report between January 1 and March 31 the following year. The due dates are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
The Annual Registration for Illinois is due BEFORE the first date of the filing month of the LLC. If you don't file when due, there is a $100.00 late fee, and entity will become administratively dissolved or revoked if the Annual Report is not submitted within 180 days after it's due.
All entity types in Indiana must submit Business Entity Reports that are due every other year at the end of the month of the entity’s formation.
We assume (1) the Business Entity Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
The Biennial Report for all LLC's (foreign and domestic) in Iowa are due by April 1st on odd numbered years, biennially after formed (never due on the year of formation). Ex: Filed on 5/6/2019 or 2/14/2020, due date is 4/1/2021, and then again in two years by 4/1/2023.
We assume (1) the Biennial Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, and (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more).
All entities (except LLLP's) in Kansas must submit Biennial Information Reports. The Biennial Information Report is due every 2 years on the 15th day of the fourth month following the tax closing month.
We assume (1) the Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing, (4) the report can be filed online (postal mail costs more), and (5) the fiscal year closes on December 31st.
All entities in Kentucky must submit annual reports that are due by June 30th the following business year after initial registration. The fees for veteran owned businesses are waived for the first four (4) years after registration. The penalty for being late is $100 if not submitted before September 30th, and administrative dissolution 60 days after that.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, (3) the company is in Good Standing and (4) you are not a veteran within the first four (4) years of registration (if you are, let us know and we'll discount the fee for you).
The Annual Registration for Louisiana is due on or up to 4-weeks PRIOR the anniversary date of your company's registration or filing. If you don't file when due, your company could become administratively dissolved or revoked.
All entities (except LLLP's) in Maine must submit annual reports that are due by June 1st the following business year after initial registration.
The penalty for not registering starts at $50 and goes to $150 after sixty (60) days, and entity falls into 'not good standing' status. Can be subject to an administrative dissolution.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Every limited liability company must file an annual report with the Corporations Division on or before the anniversary date of the filing of its original certificate of organization. The report shall contain all of the information included in its certificate of organization and any other matters the authorized person determines to include.
The penalty for not filing is a $25 late fee, and dissolution or administratively closing the company after a period of time in not filing the Annual Report.
Our pricing assumes (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
All Limited Liability Companies (and Foreign LLCs) must file their Annual Statement/Annual Report no later than February 15th of each year, except for new LLC's formed (or registered) after the proceeding September 30th. Penalty for not filing on time is the LLC shall be no longer be in good standing if report is two years late. We assume the LLC is in Good Standing and the Annual List of Managers or Managing Members and Business License is being filed on time.
Most entities in Minnesota must submit an Annual Report (also called Annual Renewal) that is due annually no later than December 31st the following business year after initial registration.
Penalty for not filing (or filing late) is dissolution or revocation on January 1 the following year if report wasn't submitted. A $100 reinstatement fee needs to be filed to get back in good standing, and delinquent annual reports are increased in price to $15.
We assume (1) the Annual Report (or Annual Renewal) is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Most entities in Mississippi (except non-profits and some partnerships) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration. NAICS code is requires to submit Annual Report.
There are no late fees for not submitting or filing late, but the entity can be administratively dissolved or revoked after 4 months of a late Annual Report.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reports due for Foreign LLCs in Missouri
Most entities in Montana must submit an Annual Report no later than April 15th the following years after initial registration.
There is a $15 penalty, and for domestic entities, dissolution by December 1st if you don't file your Annual Report before September 1st.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
In Nebraska, LLC's (foreign and domestic) and Professional LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit a Biennial Report no later than April 1st every odd-numbered year after initial registration.
The penalty for not filing is not financial, but administrative dissolution (or revocation) when 2 months late or more.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
All Foreign Limited Liability Companies formed or registered in Nevada are required to file an Annual List of Managers or Managing Members ($150) on or before the last day of the month in which the anniversary date of its organization occurs, as well as renew their business license ($200). Our fees assume the LLC is in Good Standing and the Annual List of Managers or Managing Members and Business License is being filed on time.
In New Hampshire, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report no later than April 1st after initial registration. The fee is $100 plus a $2 online processing fee.
There is a $50 penalty for not filing, and the company may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) due to non-payment.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
There are no annual reporting requirements (nor fees) for the State of New Mexico for Foreign LLCs.
All business entities in New Jersey must file an Annual Report BEFORE the last day of the anniversary month of the company. The 'anniversary month' is the month the company was originally formed or registered. Note the Annual Report is NOT the same thing as the LLC Partner Tax in New Jersey. The LLC Partner Tax must be filed separately.
All business entities are required to submit a Biennial Statement every other year. The Biennial Statement is due the same calendar month as when your business entity was originally filed.
The annual report for LLCs is due on April 15th of each year after the year of creation.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the LLC may be administratively dissolved.
The Annual Report for LLCs in North Dakota is due on November 15th of each year after the year of creation.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
There is a penalty of $50 if payment isn't received within 6 months of the due date, and potential administrative dissolution thereafter.
Business entities in Ohio are not required to file an annual report, except for Professional Associations (PA's) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP's).
In Oklahoma, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company loses its "good standing'' after a 60-day grade period, and can become administratively dissolved after that.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the company is in Good Standing.
In Oregon, LLC's (foreign and domestic) must submit an Annual Report on the anniversary of the registration date starting a year after initial registration.
There is no penalty for filing late, but the company becomes 'inactive' after due date and can be dissolved or revoked after 45 days of nonpayment beyond the due date.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) fees are paid on time, and (3) the company is in Good Standing.
Pennsylvania doesn't have annual reports, it has Decennial Reports which are due at the end of the year every ten years from your filing date, provided you have submitted no other filings (i.e. amendments to Articles, change of registered agent, etc). Professional LLC's (PLLCs) and Foreign LLC's performing professional services in Pennsylvania must file annual reports at the cost of $560 per Member.
We assume (1) you are not a PLLC or a Foreign LLC performing professional services in the State of Pennsylvania, (2) the Decennial Report is not late, and (3) the Company is in Good Standing.
For Foreign LLCs, Annual Reports are required to be filed in Rhode Island no later than March 1st.
We assume the Annual Report is not late, and the LLC is in Good Standing.
There is a $50 penalty for filing the Annual Report late, and you risk administrative dissolution.
In South Carolina, only entities operating through a federal S election are required to pay an annual tax. Business owners have to fill out an income tax return form and submit it with a copy of their federal return, to begin the process of having their total annual tax calculated, and as a consequence, L4SB cannot help you.
We recommend you seek out a local accountant or business attorney to help you with this.
Annual Reports in South Dakota are due no later than the 1st day of anniversary month after the first year of the company's formation.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is $50, plus potential administrative dissolution.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the LLC is in Good Standing.
The annual report is due no later than the 1st day of the 4th month after the end of your LLC’s fiscal year (this will be April 1st, if your LLC's fiscal year ends on December 31st). There is a 2.29% convenience fee paying with credit card, which is included in our fee. If the Annual Report is not delivered within 60 days of the due date, then the LLC will be administratively dissolved. We assume the (i) LLC has 6 or fewer Members (i.e. owners), (ii) Annual Report is not late, (iii) the LLC is in Good Standing, and (iv) the fiscal year of the LLC is the calendar year.
Most business entities are required to submit a Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report (Form 05-102) no later than May 15th of each year, plus one additional filing, depending on its revenues. If the business entity is generating annualized total revenue above a certain threshold ($1.18M for the 2020 Franchise Tax Report), franchise tax will be due and Form 05-158 Franchise Tax Report is required to be filed. Otherwise, business entities MUST FILE a No Tax Due Report (Form 05-163) even if the business entity has NO REVENUE. These reports are fairly technical in nature, and you are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consult with your accountant or CPA.
This price assumes you have proper financials, can answer our questions quickly and accurately, and we are only submitting Forms 05-102 (the Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report) and 05-163 (the No Tax Due Report).
All business entities in Utah must submit an Annual Report / Business Renewal each year, which is due at the end of the entity's anniversary month following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report / Business Renewal is not late and the entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for late filing is $10 after two weeks beyond the initial deadline, and administrative dissolution if the Annual Report is not filed within 90 days of being due.
In Vermont, Foreign LLC's must submit an Annual Report three months after the end of their fiscal year (i.e. if fiscal year ends on 12/31, the Annual Report is due 3/31).
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, (2) the entity is in Good Standing, and (3) the Foreign LLC's fiscal year ends on 12/31.
The penalty for late filing is $25, and administrative dissolution.
There are no annual reports due for Foreign LLCs in Virginia, but there is an Annual Registration Fee due on or before the last day of the month in which the Foreign LLC was registered to transact business in Virginia. When the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the Annual Registration Fee needs to be received by Virginia on or before the last business day of that month.
If the Annual Registration Fees are not paid when due, the penalty is $50 plus the standing will change to 'not in good standing'. If not filed within four (4) months of when due, the company will be administratively dissolved or its registration revoked (if a Foreign LLC).
We assume the Annual Registration Fee is not late and the Foreign LLC is in Good Standing.
Most business entities in West Virginia must submit an Annual Report by June 30th starting the year following the entity's initial filing year.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not submitting the Annual Report on time is a $100 fee, and the entity may be administratively dissolved (or revoked) if delinquency persists.
Companies (Corporations and LLCs) (and Foreign Companies) must submit an initial report within 120 days of forming, and an Annual Report every year thereafter. The Annual Report is due on or before the last day of the month in which the Company was organized or registered in Washington.
We assume (1) the Annual Report is not late, and (2) the Company is in Good Standing.
Please note that we do need to disclose beneficial owners in the Annual Reports to the State of Washington.
All business entities (except partnership-related entities) are required to submit an Annual Report each year. The Annual Report is due by the end of the entity's anniversary quarter following the year of the initial filing.
We assume the Annual Report is not late and the business entity is in Good Standing.
The penalty for not filing the Annual Report when due is administrative dissolution. If dissolved, the entity must pay a reinstatement fee of $100 plus 50% penalty based on calculations in annual report(s).
The Annual Report for Wyoming is due annually the first (1st) day of the month in which your LLC was formed. For example, if your LLC was formed on July 21, your Annual Report is due on July 1st the following year.
If this form doesn't have your state listed, or the fees are incorrect, you can put "Other State" and we will work with you to figure out the proper filings.