Small Business Law Products & Services
Select a product or service below to find out more.

Buy or Sell a Business
Whether buying or selling a business, you need competent representation to do things right. L4SB has got you covered.

Employment Agreements
Non-disclosure agreements are also sometimes known as confidentiality agreements or proprietary information agreements. Get protection for yourself and your business today. Cover your bases with L4SB.

File Statement of Use (SOU) or Extension for ITU Trademark
Law 4 Small Business can help you file an Extension Report that certifies your bona fide intention to use the mark in upcoming commercial transactions.

Flat Rate Contract Review
Get your contracts reviewed for legal, financial, operational and business risks. A L4SB attorney will check for logical consistency, and notify you with a bullet-list of issues identified.

Foreign Corporation Registration
Looking to do business in a state other than the state you originally registered your business? Law 4 Small Business can make the paperwork process streamlined and simple.

Help with Contracts
Contracts are a critically important component of your business. A good contract can keep you out of trouble, minimize costs when things go awry, maintain revenue streams, and ensure performance.

Online Copyright Registration – Register Your Copyright
It is easier than ever for people to find and use your work without permission. Keep your creative work protected with a copyright. It’s your work, keep it that way.

Register a Foreign LLC
As your business grows you may decide to expand outside the state that you are conducting business, protecting your assets and your company becomes increasingly important. Registering a Foreign LLC is one way you can do that.

Register Trademark – Word/Design Combo
L4SB’s licensed and experienced trademark attorneys will register two trademarks for you: The name and logo of your mark.

State Trademarks
If you cannot file a federal-based trademark, a state-based trademark may be a good alternative. Speak with a licensed attorney from L4SB to see if a State Trademark might be right for your IP.

Submit Provisional Patent
Gain protection for your invention quickly and cost effectively by filing for a Provisional Patent. You can rest easy that your Intellectual Property is secure while you perfect your final concept. Law 4 Small Business will assist you with the paperwork so you can stay focused your invention.

Template Contracts
Law 4 Small Business offers high-quality template contracts written by our team of experienced business attorneys, which are often used as starting points when clients ask us to help them draft or create custom contracts for their business.

Trademark / Trade Name Assessment
Have an experienced small business attorney assess your Trademark or Trade Name to determine the likelihood of successfully registering your mark.

Trademark Registration – With a Trademark Attorney
By registering your trademark you will enhance the legal protections afforded to your brand. L4SB can help you easily register your trademark and avoid mistakes that could cost time, money, and legal rights.