Small Business Law Articles & Blog Posts

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private businessman

Maintaining Your Privacy with an Anonymous LLC

In today’s information age driven by the advent of the Internet, web-based applications and mobile devices, privacy has become a precious commodity. In the US, almost all states publish “public...

surprise mail

Beware Deceptive Marketing Practices

Targeting Small Business Owners As a small business owner, you will, no doubt, be subject to a variety of marketing ploys to garner your attention. In particular, your mail will...

smart goals

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are Smart to Have

Many of our blog articles are devoted to contracts and attempt to help educate our small business clients and prospective clients on the issues of contract law, as it pertains...

speed of trust

Trust in Business: As Important as Cash (almost)

If you think about it, it’s pretty obvious: Trust is everything. Without it, your marriage cannot stand. Business partnerships wither and die. Customers flee. Stephen M.R. Covey, wrote a fantastic...

smiling lawyer

Verifying Attorney Authenticity

Within the last few months here at L4SB, several of our clients have encountered an alarming issue—that is being able to locate a reliable and authentic attorney. They delve into...

protected adult

Doing Business with the Elderly

Nothing stirs the passions of a compassionate adult, quite like the thought of abuse to individuals who are unable to protect themselves, such as children, persons with intellectual disabilities, and...

rogue partner

Rogue Business Partners

In an ideal world, we get along with our friends and family 100% of the time. There is no such thing as divorce. Our children grow up exactly the way...


Do You Have a Line of Credit (LOC) Yet??!?

It’s an unfortunate truism in today’s society: Those who don’t need have plenty, and those who do need have little. A clear example of this truism comes in the form...