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What is a Certificate of Good Standing?

A Certificate of Good Standing, sometimes referred to as a “Certificate of Existence” or “Certificate of Authorization,” is an official document issued by a state agency in the United States....

Law 4 All Summer Sale 2023 Blog 1

Law 4 All Annual Summer Sales Event

Now is the time to save on all the legal products and services your company needs. Our Law 4 All Summer Sales Event is happening now! Save 20% on legal...

partnership dispute

De Facto Partnerships are Dangerous

What is a De Facto Partnership? A de facto partnership, sometimes called an “Ad Hoc Partnership”, is an informal business arrangement between two or more parties. It is a spontaneous...

businessmen disagreeing l4sb blog

5 Basic Steps to Dissolve a Partnership

Dissolving a Partnership is very similar to a divorce, from both a cost and emotional perspective. While it is never advantageous for the relationship to degenerate into contention, it happens...