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registered trademark stamp blog

Do I Need a Federal Trademark?

When determining whether you need a federal trademark for your business or product, there are a number of factors to consider.   Most importantly, consider what the trademark will actually provide...

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AI and Intellectual Property

Due largely to the technological leaps and advances being made in artificial intelligence (AI), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is seeking to address the intersection of AI...

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The Patent Prosecution Process

The patent prosecution process is usually quite long, arduous, and can be costly.  There are three types of patents: utility, design, and plant.  Plant patents are the least common and...

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What is a Trademark Disclaimer?

Oftentimes, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will issue an office action after you have filed your trademark requiring a disclaimer for one or more of the words...

trademark marker stickie blog

What is the Supplemental Register for Trademarks?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has two registers for trademarks: supplemental and principal. The supplemental register is reserved for descriptive, surname, and geographical marks that do not...

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Patent Basics

Patents grant the intellectual property rights of inventions to their inventors. Patents protect inventors from having other entities use and produce their inventions without their consent. Patents are extremely common,...

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Prior Art Search for your Patent

The first step for anyone with an invention or idea is to perform a prior art search and analysis in order to determine whether or not it’s already been done...

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What is a Work For Hire?

You may have encountered the language “work for hire” in a contract before. If you are a provider of services such as website design, graphic design, photography, branding, etc., then...

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The Basics of Copyrights

Copyrights protect the expression of ideas, as compared to trademarks that protect words or logos that are used to distinguish goods and patents that are used to protect inventions.  Copyrights...

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Can I Register a Disparaging Trademark?

The Lanham Act (the federal statute that governs trademarks) states: No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused...

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Got a Trademark? Let Us Monitor It For You!

L4SB is proud to present Trademark Monitoring Services The battle to get a trademark is not an easy one. That is why it is essential you protect your trademark investment....