Allow our IT Professionals to help answer some of your questions regarding e-commerce, security, or whatever else might trouble you. Our experience will speak for itself.

Have a 30-minute consult with an IT Professional to help answer your questions, concerns and to point you in the right directions.

Have An IT Consultation Today

IT Professionals at your disposal, prepared to answer your questions and share their expertise.

Starting at $175

Get Started Now

Let L4SB Assist You With Your Tech Needs

Have you wanted to talk with an IT Professional, but not sure who to trust or where to turn? Well, we’re not an IT company, but we do have IT Professionals that have quite a bit of experience with security, e-commerce, business systems, Microsoft 365 / Azure, websites and much more. We are willing to share our expertise with you! After all, here at Law 4 Small Business, we win as a team!

The Law 4 Small Business Difference


We take client satisfaction seriously. We are not in the business of up-selling or pushing services that won’t help you. We work as your partner to get the job you expect done.


L4SB is your long-term partner to help you and your business with the inevitable ups-and-downs, and everything in between.


We’re business lawyers, and we understand many small- and medium-sized businesses struggle just to meet payroll, let alone pay for legal services. That’s why we offer a range of flat-rate services, and reasonable hourly rates for everything else.


With over 200 years of combined business law experience, you can count on getting sound advice and solid representation.

Have An IT Consultation Today

IT Professionals at your disposal, prepared to answer your questions and share their expertise.

Starting at $175

Get Started Now