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registered agent

So You Want To Buy A Business..

Attorney Ian Alden Hosts A Workshop For Anyone Considering Purchasing a Business Changing circumstances due to COVID have led to many people to consider new options.  Buying or selling a...

move your llc hero image

Moving your LLC: Options to Consider

When you’re a business owner (owning an LLC for example) and you’re looking to move to another state, a huge concern will be how to deal with your LLC in...

moving your company video blog hero

The Secrets of Moving Your Company

Looking to move your company? Make sure you watch this video before you do. Larry Donahue, Attorney and Founder of Law 4 Small Business (L4SB) reviews some of the potential...

buying a business hero

Buying an Existing Business?

If you are presented with the opportunity of buying an existing business, you may be attracted to the idea of walking into an income-producing business with a great location, a...

asset vs stock

Understanding Contracts: Asset vs. Stock Purchase

So, you’re looking at purchasing someone’s business or selling your business, but what exactly does that mean?  You have two primary options: an asset purchase or a stock purchase.  It’s...

business correspondence blocks svc

Buying or Selling a Business

Buying or selling a business can be a major aspect of your experience as a small business owner. Whether you’re looking to expand by buying a new business, or selling...