Author: Larry Donahue

Larry Donahue is a managing member of the firm, with 30-years of experience as an attorney with a focus on Internet law, intellectual property, corporate law, and contracts. Larry leads the firm's Internet sales efforts. He is licensed in the states of Illinois and New Mexico, as well as at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

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ivory tower of business

The Ivory Tower of Business

Escaping The Ivory Tower of Business: Ditching the Corner office, revamping culture and taking your business to the next level. What are the most expensive words in business?

prior art search

Prior Art Search

Did you know that you don't necessarily need an attorney or patent agent to conduct a prior art search?

improvement patent

Improvement Patents

Can you get a patent on an improvement to a patented device? They're called improvement patents!

patents 101 overview

Patents 101

L4SB explains the types of patents and how they can be utilized!

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The Best Way to Deal With Bad Reviews

Dealing with Online Reviews Let’s face it, the reality is that an ever-increasing number of customers are finding businesses online. If you aren’t online (with a good site), you are...

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Getting Sued? Lawsuit Survival

You Got Sued…now what? Getting sued is like a punch to the gut. You are going about your normal day and then WHAM! you “get served” or receive some sort...