Law 4 All Annual Summer Sales Event
Now is the time to save on all the legal products and services your company needs. Our Law 4 All Summer Sales Event is happening now! Save 20% on legal...
Now is the time to save on all the legal products and services your company needs. Our Law 4 All Summer Sales Event is happening now! Save 20% on legal...
Having a trademark for your business is essential to operations. Chiefly, they prevent others from using your business name or logo. However, registering the trademark legal process and requires renewal...
As a small business owner, you know the importance of protecting your intellectual property. From your company logo or your proprietary software, to your website content or intellectual property (IP)....
As a business owner, forming a corporation is often the best way to protect yourself and your business. It provides liability protection, tax benefits, and easier access to funding. But,...
There may come a time when a Limited Liability Company (LLC) needs to be moved to a different state. Perhaps a result of business expansion or simply a change of...
Water is one of the most vital resources that businesses need to thrive. However, in arid states like New Mexico, water scarcity can pose a significant threat to businesses. In...
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment, it’s imperative for any entrepreneur to utilize practical solutions that can help them keep their business afloat and running smoothly. One such solution...
Starting a limited liability company (LLC) offers many benefits for small business owners. It limits personal liability, offers pass-through taxation, and requires fewer administrative tasks than a corporation. However, there...
As businesses grow, business owners may need to consider changes in their legal structure. Whether that be more liability protection, the addition of partners, or a more ideal tax situation,...
Free virtual workshop 3/3/2023 Workshop Description: Attorney Larry Donahue discusses the topic of LLCs, (the pros and cons) as well as the importance of a specific operating agreement that is...
When registering a trademark for your business, it is important to understand the differences between federal and state trademarks. Although both have their benefits, each type of trademark has unique...
In many US states, professionals who offer their services through a business entity must form a PC (Professional Corporation) or a PLLC (Professional Limited Liability Company). This process differs widely...