Trade Secret or Patent?
Hear what Patent Attorney Kameron Kramer has to say about Trade Secret or Patent. Two very different areas of the law, with their pros and cons, can help protect your...
Hear what Patent Attorney Kameron Kramer has to say about Trade Secret or Patent. Two very different areas of the law, with their pros and cons, can help protect your...
Trade secrets are a type of intellectual property (IP), but unlike the other types (copyrights, trademarks, and patent), there is no filing with the government to protect your rights. A...
Intellectual Property 101- Considering the Different Types of IP Many small business owners are confused about intellectual property, or as the legal community calls it, IP. Unfortunately for many business...
As of 2016, Obama signed the Defend Trade Secret Act, turning trade secret violations into a federal issue rather than a state one.
Most business owners have heard of intellectual property, but do are you using intellectual property to protect business assets?
PROTECTING YOUR COMPANY’S TRADE SECRETS As a business owner, you have a lot to worry about. With all that needs to be done, sometimes the non-physical aspects can be neglected....