In a recent interview with Luxe Beat Magazine, the Father of the Anonymous LLC talks privacy.

Luxe Beat Magazine provides their readers with insider knowledge of unexpected luxury experiences. Targeting readers who lead a “sophisticated lifestyle”, the magazine sat down with Larry Donahue, Partner and Founder of Law 4 Small Business to discuss the use of Anonymous LLC’s to ensure the privacy of high net worth individuals and their investments.

In the article Larry expands on the myths, legends and incorrect information about anonymous business filing options. He also explains how everyday more and more business owners are finding that the Anonymous LLC is one of the last options left in the digital age that can protect personal privacy .

“A good portion of our clients are of a higher profile, including celebrities, politicians, Fortune 500 executives and professional athletes who simply do not want to not have every business investment they make publicized.” says Donahue when describing the percentage of his current clientele that are utilizing his law firms Anonymous LLC product and services.

Read Larry’s interview with Luxe Beat Magazine.

Ready to start protecting your privacy? Learn More

Law 4 Small Business, P.C. (L4SB). A little law now can save a lot later. A Slingshot company.

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