Law 4 Small Business was named a 2024 Platinum Level Family Friendly Business by

Here’s what you should know about

Mission: Family Friendly New Mexico’s mission is to recognize and support employers that adopt and implement family friendly policies so that businesses, employees and their families can thrive.

Vision: Family Friendly New Mexico envisions that all New Mexican workers are able to achieve a healthy balance between work and life, which means they have the time and capacity to care for their children and families, have access to good jobs and are able to contribute to their communities.

Here’s what you should know about “Platinum Level” recognition.

This is the highest recognition for businesses that prioritize family friendly policies.

The Platinum level award recognizes Gold awardees who offer additional workplace policies in the areas of Pay Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Community Investment. The Platinum level award offers businesses the opportunity to be recognized for their Family Friendly policies at the highest level as a distinguished leader.

To be eligible to apply for Platinum recognition, your business will:

Have a least 2 policies in each of our family friendly categories

  1. Paid Leave
  2. Health Support
  3. Work Schedules
  4. Economic Support

Offer a minimum paid leave (for all combined paid time off including sick leave, vacation, PTO, etc.)

  • 50+ employees: 5 days PTO
  • 11-49 employees: 3 days PTO
  • 10 and under employees: 2 days PTO

“Law 4 Small Business could not be prouder for the award or of our team.” stated Larry Donahue, Member Attorney. “We think our employees are our most valuable assets and we strive everyday to create a harmonious, safe place for them to work that offers work life balance and the very best benefits we can offer them.”

Law 4 Small Business has been recognized as a Family Friendly Business for multiple years. 2024 marks the second year in a row that L4SB has received the Platinum designation.

Law 4 Small Business. A little law now can save a lot later. A Slingshot company.

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